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Martin Luther King Day


Monday of this week (today) is a day recognised as Martin Luther King day, a great day set aside to celebrate the life of a great man, just days before his official birthday (January 15th). This has been a day  nationally celebrated  across the U.S.A. on the 3rd Monday of every January since 1986 but why not celebrate it internationally, like here in England, to recognise the good deeds of a remarkable man and the outstanding acts carried out to make a better society for all. Martin Luther King is one of history's greatest inspirations not just for the black community but to all. During his life he worked to fight for the rights of African Americans yet still to unite all. He did this without violence but with demonstrations, peaceful protesting and the power of Speech. Perhaps this is an example that should still be followed. Isn't it greater to love our enmies than to fight against them? As my mum would say 'kill them with a smile Abi' and 'love your neighbour regardless of what they do'.  I mean sometimes reasonable force is necessary but doesn't it make us just as bad as each other if we fight fire with fire. One of his greatest quotes that sticks in my mind is; "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" - Martin Luther King. This quote to me is meaningful because the words demonstrate the reason behind most; if not all of today's killings and wars, sheer selfishness, greed and ignorance. Let's hope that today is a day of reflection and thought to recognise a great man and to look over the past as well as present events. I also hope that today is a day to reflect on the recent lives lost for the exact same reason MLK fought for in his lifetime. 

God bless.


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How I Rock: My Socks and Sandals

Socks and sandals; always sworn to be a complete fashion no no by many. But why? My motto is if you like it... wear it! (lol well to a certain extent). I mean who cares what people think? Do they pay your bills? Even if they do, just kindly show them the hand, it's your choice not theirs. I love this look, from the oversize jacket right to the ankle socks. Perfect for a chilly day out. I particularly love the skirt, not just because of the name but because of it's sheer quality and attention to detail. The gold buttons that run along the front with the Burberry stallion carefully carved in to each, brings me complete life! ugh love!

 Majority of this look (as with many of my clothes) are vintage. Let me specify, the jacket is my Dad's and the skirt... well I stole that from Mummy lol. This may make some of the items in the look difficult to find.
This is how I rock my socks and sandals.

Ralph Lauren Socks: Ross (U.S.A.)
Bag: Gift from mummy
Gladiator Sandals: T.J. Maxx (U.S.A.)
Dress worn as top: Missguided
Leather Coat: Vintage hand me down from Dad
Burberry Kilt Skirt: Vintage hand me down from Mum

Get the look (may not be exact):

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How I Rock: My Jersey top

This is a quick and simple look. In all honesty, it was for a quick and simple occasion yet it still just about fits that 'Just in case you see anyone' category and completely ticks the comfy box at the same time, if you know what I mean. I love, love, love the style of theses shoes! Gosh! Velvet flatforms and I got them on sale which makes me feel even better! They're not too sporty but still extremely causal which, is great for me. The trousers too! I had to have a moment when I fully discovered the pockets! Love! Although not very practical I must admit. The top is a vintage hand me down from my brother while the trousers are a hand me down from mum. I love free clothes! 

This is a great way to style any jersey top without looking too dressed up or dressed down... keeping it casually cool I'd say. Pair it up with tapered trousers and a nice pair of your comfiest shoes and you'll always do it just right. 

This is how I rock my Jersey Top.

Jersey Top: (Shaq O'Neal limited addition) Hand me down from Brother
Tapered Trousers: Hand me down from Mum
Velvet Flatforms: ASOS
Socks: Primark

Get the look (may not be exact):

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Cool Colours

I'm in love with the colour of this nail varnish. isn't it gourg? it's a beautiful shade of pastel purple that really helps to highlight every outfit. I didn't actually buy this nail varnish (which I really regret) but I managed to paint all 10 finger nail, using a tester bottle in Sephora in Times Square! Not only is the colour great but the quality is superb! It lasted 5 days straight with out any sign of chipping! I know right, made me emotional too.

polish used:
Formula X made for Sephora
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Pink Passion

Pink Passion indeed, these nails are rocking. I really like this shade of pink it's not too dark nor too light, feels like it's just right. The glitter really gives it a nice finish too. Try it out and let me know how it works or you.

Polish used:
Baby Pink
Multicolored glitter
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